Sunday, September 15, 2019

Multi-Level Parking Structures

As A Social Structure - Concept Note

Choking of roads in most cities is reaching levels that hurt. Creating adequate Car Parking facilities are seen as an important part of the measures to de-congest the roads and aid in even pollution reduction. Paucity of urban lands requires that we build multi-level parking systems. Following the Supreme Court’ recent observations Delhi and Haryana have announced three and two such projects.
There is compelling evidence, however that most multi-level parking systems built so far are grossly under- utilized for various reasons. I suspect that parking facilities are largely developed as a reluctant adjunct to a commercial property.
Land is expensive (~₹1 Cr /acre): and most of these facilities achieve parking efficiency varying between 33 to 37 Sq M per car. Can we aim for Parking Efficiency of 20-25 SqM per Car? Even, 18?
I suggest that to be commercially effective such parking systems have to be ‘socially effective’ meaning, useful.  It must become part of the daily life-rhythms of the people/communities that are expected to use these: And must be managed as such.  
Kindly imagine a Steel Structure, which typically cost way less than concrete, and allows for easy and quick expansion:
1.      The Parking system sits on piles foundation at least 3.5 to 4m above the ground (~15 feet). Piles are stabilized by cross-beams ~1 -1.5M below ground.
2.      The parking area module above the pile is 10m -12M wide tunnel (imagine Howrah Bridge), where cars are parked in a 45⁰ to the centre line on either side. 2m head room should work.
3.      Imagine a module of say 10 cars – 5 on either side. Depending on the site dimensions arrange modules, in-line, sides and above to get the desired number of parking slots (say 25% above break- even slots). Add these modules as the demand grows   
4.      The Cars are lifted up to the parking floor by elevators only (cut out ramps, and tortuous maneuvering) (Carousels?) Cars go in one way- and reverse and exit from the opposite end. A parking structure, 3 module in-line x 4 Wide x 6 storey will park -720 cars. (60mx50m =3000 Sq M Add ~50% auxiliary uses 4500 SqM ~ ½ ha ~ 1.25 acre plot )  
5.      Such structure will have 4 car elevators –in and 4 car elevators out, aligned to the center line of the parking bay. Personal elevators must also be suitably placed.
6.      Design the pile foundation for say, 20 storey structure to add parking modules as the demand grows. (No additional land required)
7.      The ground below has service roads and all of the rest has lawns. (Rain water percolates; no expensive drainages; no flooding).
8.      The 15’ ground clearance allows service vehicles and trucks.

Operations & Commercial Issues:
9.      A user drives up to the available/indicated elevator/bay, takes a ticket, elevator opens, drive-in, press a button to go the indicated level. Door opens, drive out to the designated parking slot. Park, lock the car, go to the nearest personal elevator and go down. (Safety of contents of Car)

10.  Parking lot may hire only 3 or 4 lift mechanics cum helpers/shift. A few guards on gates, and a few grounds men to maintain the area. A profit Centre manager for Parking related activities.
11.  Stand-by power sources may be needed (in case of unreliable electrical power)
12.  Since we have many lengths and sizes of cars, we can change the width of parking bays (3 sizes), enabling low charge for small cars and more for SUVs. Improves fairness of pricing of fees. (Encourages small car ownerships?) Color code as per size. 

Social Uses:   
13.  In our cities rehri-wala, pavement sellers, tailors, shoe repairs etc, also occupy roads/pavements. We create a row of kiosks - 6'x9' that are rented out on first-cum-first chose basis @ ₹100/day-of-use.
14.   After every 3 floors one can provide –enclosed and air-conditioned space (4.5m high) for shops – super stores, mom and pop stores, dhabas, eateries etc. All to be rented out - @ 3x the implied rent for kiosks on the ground below.
15.  The persons parking their cars at the end of the day can shop for needs and go home. Even come for a meal or movie. The parking spaces now are no-longer dingy places.
16.  Allow traditional haats on specific days –Wednesday bazar Or the Sunday Books bazar, handi-carfts mela etc. Every hawker /seller must bring a tarpaulin say 6’x9’ (kiosk size) and pay ₹100/day-of-use. (Must clean after the haat closing time)
17.  Separate staff to manage these activites and a Profit Center Manager for Social Uses.

Role of Govt/Municipal Agencies  
18.  An area within 500 metre radius of the parking lot be designated /allocated to the Lot. (500m walk will take ~6mins)
19.  All roads within the designated area be marked –(No parking beyond this line) Or (Park at Lot) Direction to parking lot marked on roads. Only loading un-loading allowed, in road recesses. 
20.  No hawking allowed in the designated 500 m radius. Pavements restored to pedestrians/ joggers. (even beggars will congregate around parking lots!)

Cleared roads make for faster movement –less fuel consumption and less pollution.  You then have a low cost, replicable, conformable, social structures fit-for-use.

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