Friday, September 25, 2015

A line of Hope from Pakistan

Khalid Ahmed, a Consulting Editor at Newsweek Pakistan, concludes his article in IE of 25th Sept 15, with ...
Quote "The Civilian mind, in league with the world outside, thinks of economic benefits of being in the facilitating middle, which means Pakistan should focus on its economy and postpone its revisionist programme. The old mindset is changing as Pakistan finally gets ready to set right its internal landscape of non-state actors doing an inverted jihad on Pakistan" Unquote

Postpone ....? or shelve ?

SDG adopted at UN - migrating from MDG

SDG is a 24 page document
It has 17 Sustainable Goals with 169 targets !!!!

To mind uneducated mind, the 17 Sustainable Goals mix up cart and the horse - the driver and the driven !!!

So many words ??

The drafters need to go to IIM A to learn WAC