Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Pleasant Journey Thru (ONLY) Life

 A Pleasant Journey of Life

Any society must move along the scale of Jungle (0) to Civilized (10), the “Matsya Nyaya”, for it to rise up on the "happiness Index": At say 7+ most Individuals may thrive and live out a “pleasant journey of life”.  

*In the modern world all persons are 'equal rights' fellow citizens, implying ‘rights’ to a ‘pleasant life’ – a life of "dignity' as a ‘person of worth'. The idea has been variously articulated ‘no one left behind” Or welfare of ‘last man standing’, ‘Antodaya” etc. over last 200 years.  

*It is well understood that “economic wellbeing” is the necessary, though not sufficient condition for living such a journey of life: The ONLY Life.


*There are two groups – the unskilled workers and farmers, who have very low bargaining power; also called ‘pricing power’ who must therefore be supported.


*The Lowest unit of administration decides and declares minimum wages, say quarterly for ‘unskilled worker’ – a mason helper, a housemaid, a farm picker, that must at least be “Consumption Needs of a Household +30%, the savings rate.".

*The same lowest unit of administration will, every month, declare a price for “All Farm Outputs” and “primary goods” that is at least 50% of the price a housewife/buyer pays in the nearest town.


*These two measures will ensure that Billions can live out a ‘pleasant journey thru life”. All other economic measures (so far) effect people in millions. And most jurisdictions will experience a steep rise on “Happiness Index’ say by 2034.


*Detailed computations in support are set out in my book “Factory Resets of Governance Rules”. The Governance Structures, Systems and processes have been “Reset’ with strong incentive structures such that the Wo/men, who steer our governments work FOR the People. 

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