A Pleasant Journey of Life
Any society must move along the scale of Jungle (0) to
Civilized (10), the “Matsya Nyaya”, for it to rise up on the "happiness
Index": At say 7+ most Individuals may thrive and live out a “pleasant journey
of life”.
*In the modern world all persons are 'equal rights' fellow
citizens, implying ‘rights’ to a ‘pleasant life’ – a life of "dignity' as a
‘person of worth'. The idea has been variously articulated ‘no one left behind”
Or welfare of ‘last man standing’, ‘Antodaya” etc. over last 200 years.
*It is well understood that “economic wellbeing” is the necessary,
though not sufficient condition for living such a journey of life: The ONLY
*There are two groups – the unskilled workers and farmers,
who have very low bargaining power; also called ‘pricing power’ who must therefore
be supported.
*The Lowest unit of administration decides and declares
minimum wages, say quarterly for ‘unskilled worker’ – a mason helper, a
housemaid, a farm picker, that must at least be “Consumption Needs of a
Household +30%, the savings rate.".
*The same lowest unit of administration will, every month,
declare a price for “All Farm Outputs” and “primary goods” that is at least 50%
of the price a housewife/buyer pays in the nearest town.
*These two measures will ensure that Billions can live out a
‘pleasant journey thru life”. All other economic measures (so far) effect
people in millions. And most jurisdictions will experience a steep rise on
“Happiness Index’ say by 2034.
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