Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Dance of Democracy

Dance of Democracy - Next Act - Rajasthan  

The Madhya Pradesh Act has just reached its decrescendo with Aaya Ram's getting their well-deserved Tonnes; the ruffled feathers settling down.
But a decrescendo is no fun in these COVID-19 times.  

A brand new Act in Rajasthan has commenced!  

The Ruling party, it's dissidents, the Gaya Ram's, Speaker, the High Court, the Supreme Court and the Governor are all adding their bit to the orchestra being played for the entertainment of, nay the "benefit' of Rajasthani peoples. 
The issues raising the heat' are 'inner party democracy' powers of 'high command', legislators' right to dissent or defect, and above all the money-power in politics. 

Judiciary is now expected to bring some "light" 
The "People" have no place in this 'for the people, of the people and by the people" orchestra; which of the 'Peoples' Representative' will snatch the how much of the Power (read 'moolah'-Tax money?)   

Mahatma Gandhi fretted in 1940's that the democratic " institutions of governance will over time become anti-people" in  India. (And we are largely there).   

Will this be a seminal moment in the 35 year long debate on the "aaya ram gaya raam" phenomenon /feature of our political life?    
Interesting times !


  1. Great thought. Is a free market possible if the rest of the world is not a free one/
    We must have mandis, that is the market place. and to support a mandi, we must have taxation and/or subsidy.

    1. The "Free Market" construct works within 'perfect competition' and "equal powers" of transacting / contracting parties: and information symmetry.
      Historically We 'subsidize' the Agri-businesses while incentivise Manufacturing and services. And have created a regime where Terms of Trade favour Manufacturing and Services.
      Ensure 50% of the Street Price for all Agri-produce : 100% margin for other sectors should be more than adequate.
