Monday, June 20, 2016

Creating Good School Teachers & Schools

The most important recommendation of the TSR Subramaniam Panel is related to School Teachers : Teachers should be appointed to Individual Schools - not in statewide cadre. And by the empowered management committees of the School

Very poor working condition for the teachers in schools in the hinterland inspired the following note: in the hope that some foundation will use the basic ideas.
A Note on Foundational Education –Reducing Illiteracy
21st Nov 2015

The SSN Foundation was featured in Economic Times of 14th Nov, 2015. Please read that, along with the Big Picture – Notes from the Black Boardin the IndExp of September, 6th
And MrJaitley’s cuts on Education and Health Budgets hurt.
The Foundation has, since inception in 1994, created social assets of high quality; two free schools for promising village kids, three public schools, one University, one Engineering college and two museums of arts; Laudable and above par.

Foundation will spend about Rs 1000 Crores a year.
The Foundation will, however, take up new initiatives, like reducing illiteracy.

A child must be educated and have a healthy body to navigate successfully thru the journey of life.That level of Funding can createa big enough system to provide “wings” to children in very large numbers, enabling such mobility.

Focus: To create a caring environment in which the teachers and administrators will happily exert themselves to groom a healthy mind in a healthy body.

The Schools (ANY Foundation VidyaMandir)
There are 670 Districts and 5564 Tehsils in India. Each Tehsil to have a Primary / Middle/ Secondary School –developed and operated by the Foundation.
Schools to have “skills Training Centers”. And a primary dispensary with beds. 5-common diseases have almost standardized protocols that can be administered by para-medics.
Each school must have playgrounds, activities centers. 
Housing for at least 5 teachers. Transport for Teachers. Hostels for say 50 students.
Local architecture. Minimalist design, Furnishing and interiors.

The ANY Foundation will continuously research pedagogical methods and tactics; Scandinavian/ Finnish Pedagogical practices
Co-opt good institutions and educationists- Khan Academy; Vivo; Anand Kumar;
Accomplished Individuals from various fields to visit each school, once a month. Etc.

Explain the Hindu (Indian) Rituals in modern terms.

The schools must be integrated to the local social, political and admin networks. To obtain support – financial and in kind.

Teachers must love teaching and be well rounded personalities.
Min salary Rs 25k/m, to attract and retain the best in the area.
Must love Teaching and be respected in the immediate society. Appropriate Student /Teacher ratios.  Insightful selection processes.
A Council, consisting of Teachers and Parents, to manage the school affairs.
Use IT in education and admin (Google Loons? And Tablets?)

Organisation(Bottom Up )
Key functionary will be a Cluster Head (A Local) – I/c of 10 Tehsils – To set up 10 schools.
10 Cluster Heads –report to an Area Head (S/he is responsible for 100 Tehsils/schools)
10 Area Heads report to 5 Zonal Heads ( Each responsible for 1000 Schools)
This organization to provide the wherewithal to the schools/ faculties. Should have excellent networks within the local/relevant society.
The Cluster Head must do everything to ensure The Cluster is financially self-sufficient, say within 3 years.
Area and Zonal heads to assist. 
ANY Fn HO to lay down and monitor processes and keep units focused on priorities-Children AND Self-sufficiency.

Funding & Finances
ANY  funds, say, Rs 100 Cr per Zone in the first year, and as required subsequently. 
Zonal heads/ ANY Fnd HO Admin Use this Corpus to generate income for expenses and development. The School System / ANY Fnd HO to hire fund managers.

Raise additional funds from Beneficiary communities: MP’s LAD Funds. Local charitable Institutions. (say, a temple can provide mid-day meals)
School fees depending on local paying capacities.

Beneficial Adjuncts :
Primary Health Care Centre –for school and local community. 
Dairying: provides Milk and inputs for Gobar Gas Plant/ Composting. Gardening –Vegetables etc.
Each School should be self –sufficient in Energy and water. 
(Coordinate with Local institutions to become Centre for useful ideas – Agri, Commerce and Health ) 

To establish and operate 5000 schools over 10 years, those areself-sufficient well integrated with the local communities.
300-500,000 young ones pass out, are given “wings” per year, by the ANY Fnd schools; from Leh to Kanyakumari, Kohima to Jaisalmer. 
That will be a worthwhile, lasting and fitting legacy of ANY Founders

Gurgaon - 21st Nov 2015

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