Sunday, September 16, 2012

Catch’ém Young : Re– Hinduism

Many people (Hindus) and Hindu organisations fret that Hinduism is losing vitality; not without reason though.  

Organised activities of the faithful of Islam, Christianity and Sikhism are contrasted with the free flowing manners of Hinduism, which is put out as the main cause.  

A few days ago I heard a Pandit Ji teaching a class of would be purohits about Namkaran Sanskar. Every step of the ritual was being logically explained, with its sociological significance and message for the child, parents, family and the society.

It is not very difficult to see on the other hand, that most young Hindus, men and women do not know even the Aarti, meaning and significance of Gayatri mantra and simple temple rituals.

I wonder if all these fretting organisations and Hindus can work to “catch them young”?

Request all neighbourhood schools to allow “One Religious Education Hour” per week; in or out of curriculla. Pandit Ji uses the space, facilities of the school and access to the young. School teachers can also join such classes.   

Hindu arts, culture, music, and poetry, architecture and world view must also be introduced to the young such that their initiation into Hinduism is broad based and holistic. The topics of discussion or discourse will have to be simplified for intelligent absorption by the young; I must admit a difficult task.

Hopefully, Hindu religion will also be contemporised and made relevant to the present day world.